Deputy Minister of Education, Nguyen Van Phuc
Et si l’école favorisait le bien-être des élèves?
Nouvel article d’Edith Favoreu PhD, chargée de projet Happy Schools invitée dans le journal 24 heures
The man who brought happy school back home
An interview of Professor Ha Vinh Tho has had 4 books published in Vietnam with the same message: Improving the quality of life, helping children live happily at home and at school.
Journalist Pham Huong - Báo Điện tử An ninh Thủ đô
Creating a happy nation
Conversations about happiness reflect a global trend in re-evaluating what truly constitutes a good life and sustainable development.
Interview with Ha Vinh Tho, PhD conducted by Le Thu on the newspaper Đại biểu Nhân dân
Verwandeln, heilen, erwachen: Achtsamkeit für die Welt
Können wir als Landwirte und Menschen einen Weg finden, das Leid in der Welt zu lindern? Ha Vinh Tho sprach über drei grundlegende Aufträge der Landwirtschaft der Zukunft. Hier sind Auszüge aus seinem Vortrag.
Le Bonheur National Brut : une résurrection ?
Well-being expert: happiness is an essential skill
Happiness is a skill that can — and should — be learned, according to Dr. Hà Vĩnh Thọ, founder of the Eurasia Learning Institute for Happiness and Wellbeing. Dr. Hà Vĩnh Thọ spoke to Việt Nam News reporter Nguyễn Khánh Chi on the sidelines of a seminar on happiness held this month in Hà Nội.
Việt Nam có thể trở thành biểu tượng của hạnh phúc và thịnh vượng trên thế giới
“Việt Nam có thể trở thành biểu tượng của hạnh phúc và thịnh vượng, không chỉ ở Đông Nam Á mà trên toàn thế giới”, Giáo sư Hà Vĩnh Thọ nhận định.
« Le Bonheur National Brut peut inspirer un nouveau souffle au monde »
Le Bonheur National Brut (BNB), un indicateur mis en place au Bhoutan, peut-il apporter des réponses à un modèle de société occidental en crise? L’essayiste et formateur franco-vietnamien Ha Vinh Tho, qui a été l’une des chevilles ouvrières du BNB, en est persuadé.
The Happy Schools symposium 2023 in Viêtnam !
From 3 to 6 April 2023, the first international symposium on "Happy Schools" organised by ELI took place in Hue, Vietnam, with the theme "Can happiness skills be learned?
The conference took place at the Hue University of Education and was attended by teachers, doctoral students, researchers, education professionals, authorities, national and international speakers from Germany, Switzerland and Bhutan.
Attended on site by nearly 300 participants from all over Vietnam, the conference participants had very useful, multidimensional and comprehensive exchanges on the meaning of mental health within the education system, such as: Mindfulness; Socio-emotional education; Development of happiness skills... they were also able to participate in practical workshops!
Hanoï Province :
Bhutan Times :
Entretiens avec Ha Vinh Tho : “Le bonheur inscrit dans la constitution”
Au Bhoutan, le gouvernement a créé le BNB, le bonheur national brut, afin d’évaluer et de pérenniser les conditions qui rendent la population heureuse. Ha Vinh Tho a occupé le bureau dédié à cette mission pendant six ans. Rencontre avec un homme heureux...
Dr. Ha Vinh Tho on reimagining, cultivating, and practicing Happiness - Deem Journal
The emphasis of school is usually directing attention outside the self. Students learn academic skills and subjects such as math, language, and history. These are, of course, important. But what if a person, especially a child, is not in touch with their inner self and their emotional dimensions?”
Compassionate Leadership Can Create A Better Economy And A Happier World - Forbes
Dr. Ha Vinh believes that encouraging a culture of happiness and compassion goes beyond personal gratification. He also asserts its benefits to our communities, our companies, and our economies. As business leaders whose choices impact others, Dr. Tho knows that we have an opportunity—and a responsibility—to play a role in creating a more positive society.
Now Is The Time To Become A More Compassionate Leader - Forbes
Cindy Vuu knows that real business success goes beyond focusing on revenue alone. It’s about servant leaders that take good care of themselves and focus on their teams with compassion, care, and genuine happiness.
Quand le bien-être des citoyens est une priorité politique
Président de deux ONG, Ha Vinh Tho est aussi enseignant bouddhiste dans la tradition du Zen vietnamien et disciple du maître Zen Thich Nhat Hanh. Après avoir été en poste au Comité International de la Croix Rouge (C.I.C.R.), il a été le directeur des Programmes et cofondateur du Centre du Bonheur National Brut au Bhoutan, un organisme qui promeut une vision alternative du développement basée sur l’écologie, une économie équitable et durable, la bonne gouvernance et les valeurs culturelles et spirituelles. Il évoque, dans cet entretien, ce qu’il nomme le laboratoire du Bonheur National Brut et l’essaimage de cette philosophie dans le monde.
Program Director of Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan at Webster Vienna
On Thursday, January 22, a group of about 60 people came to hear Dr. Tho Ha Vinh, the program director of the Gross National Happiness (GNH) Centre in Bhutan, give an overview of the concept of GNH, the implementation of this alternative paradigm for economic development in the Kingdom of Bhutan
Ha Vinh Tho: Water is life
Some years ago, on a mission with the International Committee of the Red Cross, I crossed a desert in the Middle East. The landscape was barren and desolate: sand, stones, and dust.
Welcome to The Middle Way Society
Gross National Happiness, it’s underlying philosophy, how it’s applied, the challenges it faces and how it might relate to the Middle Way.
Glücks-Tipps vom staatlichen Experten
In Bhutan ist das Glück der Bürger in der Verfassung verankert. Ha Vinh Tho arbeitet im Zentrum für Bruttonationalglück – und verrät, wie das kleine Land das große Glück finden will.
Warum Bhutan arm aber glücklich ist
Hinter den hohen Bergen leben die glücklichsten Menschen der Welt, so erzählt man es sich von Bhutan, dem kleinen Königreich im Himalaya, das von seinen Einwohnern Druk Yul, das Reich des Donnerdrachens, genannt wird.
Glücksminister verrät Wittenern seine Formel
Der Glücksminister aus Bhutan war zu Gast an der Uni. In jenem armen Staat gilt Glück als erstrebenswerter als Geld. Können wir davon lernen?
Bhutan auf dem Weg zu Glück
Man setzt dort auf Bruttonationalglück statt auf Wachstum. Deshalb sehen Kapitalismusgegner in Bhutan das Paradies auf Erden. Der oberste Glückslehrer kennt die Realität.
Glück und Meditation als Schulfach
Laut Verfassung ruht das Glück der Bhutanesen auf vier Säulen: gerechte wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Förderung einer guten Regierungsführung, Bewahrung traditioneller Werte, Schutz der Umwelt.