There has been more active involvement from teachers, parents and students to promote wellbeing in school; acting for the community’s happiness has become a shared responsibility by everyone.

  • All schools have found different ways to keep the teachers balance and well with teacher circle weekly/monthly, mindful practice and emotions check-in at beginning of meetings, workshop & talk show to share the practices among the teacher councils. 

  • Across all school levels, there are student clubs that apply Happy Schools practice where students become ambassador of happiness and advocate for change.

  • Parents are more involved as an integrated part of their children’s school experience. They work with the teachers to facilitate and help teachers to spread the message to other parents.


Cao Thang’s weekly teacher circle has been formed for 2 years. ‘The circle would still be there even if only 2-3 people come”, said the vice principle. Other schools like Tran Cao Van has monthly circle with the participation of 40 teachers; Duy Tan, Phu Cat has their short and weekly sharing time among all teachers.

Alive Green, a student club of Cao Thang run totally by students; they work together to take responsible actions for the environment and practice happiness skills as a way to for mindful and joyful collaboration. Duy Tan has the “I, You & the Environment” club that acts as a lab for the students and teachers to form systematic lessons to deliver the combination of care for nature and happiness skills.

An inspiring parental meeting with parents of “I am Happy” student club at Thuan Thanh, where parents actively involve in their children’s school experience. In the meeting, the parents shared about the deep transformation they observed in their kids. One mother said, I realized I have to transform myself to be a better mother. All parents want their children to be happy and they are grateful if they can get support for it.


Happy Path at Phu Cat is a project that transformed an unused stretch of land in the school’s courtyard into a beautiful garden for the students to do gardening and mindful walking. This project was born out of the collaboration of the whole community, from school managers to teachers, students, parents and volunteers from Hue University. Parents can contribute in different forms: finance, building materials or working at the construction site.