
School Implementation

Building a culture of happiness based on the school’s existing conditions.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach. It is crucial that the implementation fits the nature and context of each school. While some schools encourage teachers to take initiatives with their class management and SEL lessons, others would choose a school-scale approach where the content is officially included in extra-curriculum or class meeting. 

So far, Happy Schools have been blended with flexibility into existing curriculum, learning space, school ecosystem and policies.

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Four pillars of change

Building a culture of happiness based on the school’s existing conditions

The student's’ interests and characteristics are the main foundation for a teacher to design a learning experience. Students are taught to be active learners, rather than passive.

The classroom’s physical and psychological spaces influence how students feel and interact with each each other within their community in a compassionate way.

An ecosystem that consists of four interdependent parties - administrators, teachers, students and parents - creates a consistent and resilient context to apply and sustain changes.

Transformation of individuals and school community is only possible and sustainable if there are administrative policies that enable mutual understanding, respect and discipline.


Here are testimonials from teachers, principals and parents whose students and children have participated in the Happy Schools programme :

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Systemic change

Thua Thien Hue’s Department of Education & Training recognizes the impact of Happy Schools toward the improvement in the quality of relationships in school context, and they have the intention to apply the framework onto larger scale, after 3-year piloting. 

The new Chairman of People Committee in Hue Province- Mr Tho Phan-Ngoc, in a visit to Tran Cao Van - a school piloting Happy Schools framework, said that he “highly appreciated the educational approaches which the school is implementing. As the school has a solid foundation, building the school following the Happy Schools framework is a suitable approach”. 


 “There are many benefits from Happy Schools program for different skills that the students can learn including better communication with others, and skills to help them reduce stress and perform better in their studies... 

We wish to apply Happy Schools to other schools in the province. What makes me so keen on scaling up Happy Schools is because I see how it is changing the quality of relationships in our schools.”

- Hai Phan-Van, Head of Primary Department of DOET, Coordinator of Happy Schools Project from DOET 
