Camille holds a Bachelor in Arts & Sciences from UCL (London, UK), a Master’s degree in Science of Education from Paul Valery University (Montpellier, France) and a Certificate of Advanced Studies from Geneva’s Management School in « Happiness in Organizations ».
After graduating from UCL in 2016, convinced that the current socio-economic model did not provide the conditions to foster happiness and wellbeing for individuals and for society, Camille turned her attention to the alternative development paradigm pioneered by Bhutan through Gross National Happiness, which she studied through the Right Livelihood Programme at Schumacher College.
Convinced by the vision brought to the world by GNH and its potential contribution to society, Camille decided to focus her time and energy on contributing to Eurasia Association and its Eurasia Learning Institute (ELI), of which she has been a team member since 2017. Eurasia is an NGO engaged for social innovation since 1998.
Motivated by her wish to transmit the values experienced in the Right Livelihood programme and through her experience with Eurasia & ELI, Camille undertook a Master of Science of Education in 2017, writing her master’s thesis on the transfer of social and emotional skills within the Happy Schools programme in Vietnam, an innovative educational programme seeking to bring self care, care for others and society and care for the environment and planet to public schools in Vietnam.
In 2018, Camille took over the role of Association treasurer. Camille is currently responsible for the documentation of the Happy Schools programme in Vietnam, the overall documentation of Eurasia projects and processes, website development and communication, and accounting and administration. She is involved in Eurasia projects throughout, thus allowing her to learn continuously by doing as well as by observing.