The Happy Schools Symposium - 2023

A collaboration between University of Education, Hue University & ELI

Honorable Speakers

Research report presentation

Topic 1 : Mental Health

Topic 2 : Socio Emotional Learning

Topic 3 : Journey to Well-being and Happiness

Topic 4 : Developing Happiness Skills


Eurasia Learning Institute is dedicated to building a

better education for all children

by helping all those who devote their

lives to education!

April 3-6th, 2023

300 participants on site | 4 days
Hue City, VN

“We can change the future if we are aware of the present. Because the future doesn’t really exist, the future is just the embodiment of the seeds we plant now.”

_Dr. Hà Vĩnh Thọ Co-founder & President of Eurasia Foundation | Founder of ELI

The first international symposium on "Happy Schools" organised by ELI took place in Hue, Vietnam, with the theme "Can happiness skills be learned?”

The symposium brought together 300 teachers, doctors, students, researchers, education professionals, authorities, national speakers from all over Vietnam and international speakers from Germany, Switzerland and Bhutan.

More than 3,000 people attended the first day, which was broadcast live on the university's social networks.

Deputy Minister of Education, Nguyen Van Phuc

At the opening conference, the deputy minister of education Nguyen Van Phuc, expressed his wish to "implement the innovation of happiness at school in the education and training sector, so that one day we will have happy schools. It's a great dream!” In his view, “building a happy school is a long-term development process that cannot be dissociated from current social life”. As Mr Thakur S Powdyel former Education Minister of Bhutan, pointed out: “The four-day symposium on happy schools was a celebration of joy in learning and learning in joy”.

The participants had very rich, multidimensional, reflective and forward-looking exchanges on the development of conditions for well-being within the education system. They were also able to take part in numerous workshops and presentations, including those by a dozen Vietnamese researchers working on mindfulness, socio-emotional education, the development of happiness skills, and so on.

Happy Schools Exhibition

ELI global ( ELI Thụy Sĩ, ELI Huế và ELI Hà Nội)

High School Cao Thắng -Thừa Thiên Huế

High School Nguyễn Trường Tộ - Thừa Thiên Huế


Education System Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm – Hà Nội

Tịnh Trúc Gia - Thừa Thiên Huế

Sponsor Biti’s & IDP