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Implementing Gross National Happiness in organizations – Salon RH

Keynote at the Salon RH: 

The kingdom of Bhutan has been a pioneer in placing Happiness at the heart of its development agenda.
What was once seen as an exotic utopia has become mainstream, and the UN adopted a resolution
“Happiness and Wellbeing, towards a new development paradigm”.

Does this focus on Happiness also apply to businesses and organizations?
Based on my experience in applying GNH projects in mid-size and large corporations, as well as in NGO’s and other institutions,
I will explain the implementation process and highlight the necessity to rethink the role of managers and leaders in this context.
As former Head of Training, Learning and Development at the International Committee of the Red Cross, Ha Vinh Tho has trained
humanitarian professionals working in war zones and emergency response in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe.

Founder of ELI: Eursasia Learning Institute for happiness and Wellbeing (, Chairman of Eurasia Foundation, he was the Program Director GNH center Bhutan from 2012 to 2018. Ha Vinh Tho is also a visiting professor in adult education and humanitarian work in several Universities and a well-known international speaker. Fellow of the Mind and Life Institute/USA, and a member of the Presencing Institute/USA.
Ha Vinh Tho wrote the Happy Schools in Vietnam Curriculum, an innovative educational program introducing Mindfulness, Social and Emotional Learning and Care for the Planet in the Vietnamese education system.